Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mundane just to show some normalcy.

Just played basketball...really miss the game. I've gotten better, much much better despite not playing for so long. It's strange how I'm so into basketball, (and all you haters out there who think I can't play...suck it.) but end up just touching the surface of the competitve aspect of the game, thanks to some crapped up health shit that ain't really a prob. Really sucks that I'll only get to truely enjoy the game for like 6-7 years more? Before adulthood comes in and responsibilty and all that. So now....bowling sorta my wife. And basketball's my hot sexy 36-25-32 mistress. LMAO.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Damn glad there was a back-up plan.

Suffering is self-inflicted. The poor say they have not enough. Actually the rich say they dont have enough either, not that anyone needs to tell anyone else that. Okay example taken.What we don't know is....we do loads of shit just to ease the default function programmed in us. Er.....people mug their asses off, try to seek attention, club every night of their youth away and most adopt a mundane and skeptical approach to life. All to create an identity, to feel adequate and belonged. Some turn to religion....professing to the "end-all, ultimate problem-solver." Hypocritical IMO. So...the deeper you dig, the bigger the hole in heart gets. Solution, no?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Its all about appearances.

It's surreal man. And I realised I'm highly in like super, blonde-chick undependable. I resolve to be freaking dependable from now on. Its an image. Talking about image right....think its time we did something bout Pending Explusion. We're sort of freaking shredders already, but putting across a proper punk(ahem) cover is probably harder than matching a Satriani-Vai duet. We're writing so....we'll tighter up and see how far our sinking ship gets along in the ocean of fucking-dead red and white Sin-Ga-por sea.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

no girl likes a realist, send in the.....

Haha. I decided to start blogging again. weehee. I recently came across a whole freaking bunch of blogs er....that are so freaking cool. "God has really showed me the truth and I pray that everyone else will receive eternal salvation!" "PW sucks....they should abolish all that crap." "I'll wait for long as I have to..." Yada. Yada. Blah. Blah. So right....I decided since there are already so many cliche blog floating around, why not join in the fun? Then I'll get to do that cliche anti-the-world-stuff. Ain't that cool? I get to be a hater-wannabe, er...wait I'm a emo kid right? Wait a second....oh ya I'm a jock. No that's wrong...I'm the everyman. Is that right? Argh...identity crisis + Loads of time to waste + I like talking to myself. Weehee. WOOHOO.