Tuesday, October 16, 2007

no girl likes a realist, send in the.....

Haha. I decided to start blogging again. weehee. I recently came across a whole freaking bunch of blogs er....that are so freaking cool. "God has really showed me the truth and I pray that everyone else will receive eternal salvation!" "PW sucks....they should abolish all that crap." "I'll wait for her...as long as I have to..." Yada. Yada. Blah. Blah. So right....I decided since there are already so many cliche blog floating around, why not join in the fun? Then I'll get to do that cliche anti-the-world-stuff. Ain't that cool? I get to be a hater-wannabe, er...wait I'm a emo kid right? Wait a second....oh ya I'm a jock. No that's wrong...I'm the everyman. Is that right? Argh...identity crisis + Loads of time to waste + I like talking to myself. Weehee. WOOHOO.


sq said...


get a new skin man. boring sial.

Jess said...

i would say no.
it fits.